Wednesday 25 April 2012

Focus Group

This is our focus group. We asked a number of people on their thoughts and opinions on our chosen genre, in order to learn hat really appeals to them as an audience

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Shot's we were unable to use

This is one of the shots we had filmed in the aim to have it within our music video. This was not used in the music video in the end as we felt it was to much of a close up, and did not work as well as other shots did.

Test Shots Round Two

This was one of our test shots that we did before our official filming. We actually re-filmed a shot very similar to this that was a main shot within our final music video. We really liked this shot. We felt it was really 'fun' and captured the 'happy' and 'upbeat' feeling that we wanted to portray. It was also a great example of Jess really performing the song.

Shot's Taken Out

Test Shots

This is an example of one of our test shots. We used this in order to gain a feeling of how the shots would look, and a way in which to put the thoughts we had planned in to a visual.

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Shot List

1. Narrative shot of Jess. The camera will pan around the table to see jess in a school like situation and gazing around at Luke who is sat behind her in the background.

2. Performance shot. There will be a two shot of Jess and Luke- the actor of the music video, who will be playing Jess's love interest.

3. Performance shot. We will perform this same shot from a number of angles, and therefore the two shot will remain, being shown in a variety of angles, displaying Jess singing to Luke. As if it was actually what she was saying, or possibly, the things she wishes she could say

4. Performance Shot. Other music videos of this genre consist of a high number of mid shots, and therefore we will adapt to this and use a large number of mid shots of Jess singing and performing.

5. Narrative shot. We will then return to the narrative, to keep the music video, running along one story and to keep the video flowing and linked. We will use an over the shoulder shot, from behind Luke to see a shot reverse shot from the original narrative shot, of Jess glancing over to Luke from where she is sitting

6. Performance shot. We will use a mid shot to continue the performance scenes of Jess performing and singing the song. This will hopefully cause it to feel more like she is singing about what is currently happening in the narrative scenes.

7. Performance shot. We will then return back to two shots, using all the angles to continue the song, leading in to the main chorus of the song.

8. Performance shot. For the main chorus of the song we will use a lot of quick cuts between two mid shots in two different outfits, the use of these quick cuts is really common of this genre music videos and it will also really fit the upbeat tune of the song.

9. Performance shot. There will be a close up of Jess, which we will use for single lines of the song, to really enhance and show Jess's facial expressions.

10. Performance shot. We will then return to using the two shots, using all the angles. We want to keep using a variety of shots, and a variety of angles and use a lot of quick cuts, and this is very typical of music videos of this genre.

11. Narrative shot. We will use a pan from the wall to Luke, which will allow the audience to see Luke looking at Jess, suggesting they both feel the same way about each other.

12. Performance shot. We will use a number of close up's and mid shots, to continue showing the song.

13. Narrative shot. There will be a mid shot of Luke smiling at Jess.

14. Narrative shot. There will then be a mid shot of Jess smiling back at Luke. Suggesting this is the beginning of their relationship

Ancillary Task - Front Cover of Album

This is the front cover of our album. This is one of my favourite pieces of our practical work.

Ancillary Task - Album Insert

This is the back cover of our album. It displays the songs the album has on it.

Contact Sheets 2

This is the second page of our contact sheets. This displays all of the images that we took for the ancillary tasks. We really managed to get some great shots and it was hard to choose which one's we wanted to use.

Contact Sheets

This is one of our contact sheets. It displays all of the pictures we took prior to making our ancillary task.

Thursday 12 April 2012


Media Survey

We conducted a questionnaire as part of our research and planning. As we had decided on our target audience, we asked a number of people, both male and female, to answer the questionnaire for us, in order for us to gain some direct answers from our target audience to understand what appeals to them, and what they want from a music video.

Monday 9 April 2012

Album Insert- Lyrics

This is one of the insert's from our album. It display some of the lyrics from our chosen song 'Teenage Dream'.