Friday, 23 September 2011

Analysing Editing in Exisiting Music Videos

Analysing Editing of Existing Music Videos

Analysing Mis En Scene of Exisiting Music Videos

Analysing Mis en Scene on Existing Music Videos

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Analysing Shot Types of Existing Amy Winehouse Music Video's

Analysing Shot Types for Amy Winehouse

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Time Plan

Here is the time plan we made in order to allow ourselves to create and finish our project efficiently.

It allows us too see when our deadlines are and how much time we have to work on each aspect of the project.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Initial Planning

Today I and jess looked in to all the different genres of music. We looked at the styles of each genre, and the artists associated with that genre. We crossed off any genres we thought that would be too challenging and would not be possible to make within the resources we have. One of genres we really looked in to was indie jazz, and Amy Winehouse. We looked into this artist especially, as we both felt this was a artist whose songs we could really adapt too. It was also a really good idea as jess, who will be the actor of the video, felt comfortable with the artist and the songs and also has great knowledge on her songs, and therefore was already aware of the lyrics, if we were to choose such an artist. We also thought a a lot about each genre and whether we could be able to create a narrative to it. Regarding general ideas and whether we would have the resources to create all the connotations linked with specific genres.

By Shannon Winstone and Jessica Alecci