Thursday 29 March 2012

Target Audience

Before beginning our project we had to really consider our target audience, and who we wanted this to be. After choosing 'indie pop' as our musical genre for the project, we had to analyse this in order to understand who we would be aiming our music video at, and what would be most successful in appealing to them. The target audience we are working with in, is women aged 13-late 20's. The 'indie pop' genre has a large number of fans and it includes men and women of a wide variety of ages, however certain artists within that genre will of course appeal to some more than others. We debated that men could too; enjoy the music of Katy Perry, but in regards to target audience we felt her music and the lyrics behind her music were mainly aimed at women. We also thought about how, young girls such as those at the bottom end of the target audience scale (13) would perhaps enjoy the music, but not necessary understand the meaning's behind the song itself. Therefore we narrowed our target audience to a bit older, as we felt this would be the people who would be watching the music video. Younger members of the target audience would always be attracted to the artist, but more through the song itself and pictures, rather than music videos. Therefore, we want to keep the full target audience in mind, but try to focus mainly on the older end of the bracket. Myself and my partner Jess, are within this target audience, and are both personal fans of the genre, therefore we really feel like we will be able to really capture everything a target audience wants through our practical pieces we will make.

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