Thursday 26 January 2012

Plans for my Next Step Regarding Filming

After looking at my footage today, myself and jess have decided that our next step would be:

- Research into existing music videos to gain some insight as to what we could do for our narrative shots.

- Film some narrative shots to add our music video, we feel that this would increase the quality of the film and allow it to reflect the genre to a much greater standard.

- We feel that we need to put in some more time to editing the footage that we currently have, as we feel we could add some more creative aspects too it.

- Research in to existing CD covers to allow us to gain a greater understanding of the typical conventions so that we can adapt to this ourselves when creating our own CD cover.

- Create our ancillary task using all the knowledge we have gained from our research

- Research into music posters of a similar genre so that we can gain a greater understanding of what to portray on our own.

- Create a music poster to advertise our 'artist'.

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