Sunday 29 January 2012

Considering Narrative for our Music Video

After analysing the lyrics to the song, we really wanted to keep the same vibe as the original, which was very happy. We wanted this as we felt it really captured the lyrics of the song. We felt that narrative would help show the lyrics visually and would give the audience characters to connect with as some kind of story unfolds. We initially wanted to simply show the characters in a relationship and happy, but when considering the ways in which we could show this to make it clear, we struggled. As a result of this we have decided to show the characters as their relationship begins, and them 'noticing together' all in the perspective of the female character; the artist. This way it would cause the lyrics to be the feelings of the female character. We also considered where we wanted to film our narrative shots. We felt that because the song was about teenage dream, that it might be nice to film some of narrative in our school reflecting teenage life. This make the characters appear in a natural and realistic setting to the story but would also be a really easy and efficient location for us as we have a constant ability to use it. It would also be reliable, as it would always be there and there would be no drastic changes.

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