Monday 27 June 2011

Skills that will help me this year

During my time on the course, so far, i have gained a number of skills that I feel will be very beneficial towards my new project this year.
I also have a number of skills that i wish to develop, as this will help progress my understanding and knowledge base within this subject area and more importantly regarding this particular area of media.

During the course of my project last year i learned how to work well both independently and as part of a team. This was very useful to me at the time, and will be this year as I will have the ability to continuously work towards finishing my project to the best of my ability, whilst also working as part of a team, learning to separate and take on role and also to adapt the voices and opinions of my partner to combine our ideas in to one piece.

I've learned to work efficiently to complete different tasks of my project in good time so that i am able to change or 'tweak' any tasks I am not happy with, it is also a great advantage as it allows me to work towards and meet deadlines set for me and for those that i set for myself.

I will be able to use the knowledge I obtained last year and apply and adapt it towards helping me with my project this year. I am able to use the knowledge that I know, such as that I’ve learned of target audience, what appeals to different people, who we typically connote certain audiences with. Representation, what we traditionally perceive and what is now perceived in a modern light. Conventions, different things we associate with particular things. For example things you would associate with a certain genre of music.

I hope by the end of this project and course I have developed my creativity, and that i will be able to create ideas and develop them in to more original and thoughtful suggestions for ideas towards practical pieces and that involved within them so that the creativity is reflected throughout my practical and perhaps even my thoughts towards theory.

Finally i wish to develop my skills and understanding of editing programmes, so that I am able to use them to their full extent. I think I will use programmes such as 'Adobe Photoshop' and 'I Movie'. Which we will be using on the course to create the music video and also the advertising we are creating alongside it.

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