Thursday 23 June 2011

Roles of the Group

Within my group for the project, it is only I and Jess. As there is just the two of us we have spilt the jobs of the project but have both been helping and conferring with each other throughout. Jess is going to be the performer, and will be featured within the music video and upon all of the ancillary pieces and i will therefore be responsible for filming the footage for the music video and for taking the photographs for the ancillary tasks. I have not had a massive amount of experience with the cameras, so this will be a bit of a challenge for me, however Jess has many skills with using the camera so will be able to help me and teach me along the way. Our next spilt of work was the editing of the music video, and the producing of the ancillary tasks. I have had some experience of the editing machines we will be using and therefore i am going to be responsible for editing the footage. The ancillary tasks require another type of programme called 'Photoshop' which my partner is very skilled in and she will therefore be in charge of that. We will constantly be conferring with each other throughout the work to combine both of our ideas. Jess is also going to be a great help as she has many creative ideas in comparison to me and will therefore be a brilliant way to produce some really creative practical pieces.

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